The Reading Sequence for Packaging

January 14, 2024

Packaging isn't just a protective casing; it's a pivotal branding tool.

The final opportunity to sway a consumer’s decision lies within those critical moments at the point of purchase. Experience with a product is often the best foundation for customer loyalty, so this one sale equals many more and lost sale equals many lost. 

A successful package design begins with understanding the consumer's natural reading sequence for your product category. Consumers process information in a specific order, tailored to the product type. Presenting information out of this sequence could render your message ineffective.

Consider this typical reading sequence for a shopper:

1. First glance.

The shopper notices the product on the shelf, which is the result of vibrant colours, strong contrast, captivating images, or bold typography.

2. What is it?

The shopper questions what the product is, focusing on the name and category.

3. Why should I care?

The shopper questions how it relates to them, which is best answered with a concise, compelling reason why it solves their problem.

4. In-depth details.

Sparked by the initial message, the shopper considers the specifics – features, price, compatibility, guarantees, awards – necessary for making an informed choice.

Make sure that you're sharing information in a way that shoppers will read and understand – focus on their needs more than your product's features.
We're here to help you create branding and packaging that connects and jumps into the basket. Let's chat!

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